Republican Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

190 A VER LINDSLEY'S ADVERTIsem*nTS. A Valuable Business Lot for Sale I AM street now adjoining offering for the sale store that of Morris valuable Lot Mathews on Market The Lot fronts 59 feet on Market and runs back 107 feet towards Front street. make one of the best stands for wholesale Grocery Store in the City. For terms apply to A. V.

S. LINDS EY. A NEAT DWELLING HOUSE For Sale. in Edgefeld, on the Gallatin Turnpike. For particulars apply V.

8. LINDSLEY. FOR SALE. THAT valuable Dwelling the corner of Cedar and Summer streets. lot fronts 65 feet.

The Dwelling is large and commodious, and there is a fine office on the lot. It de one of the most desirable locations in the city. Apply to A. V. B.

LINDSLEY. sept 19. FOR SALE. LOT on Cherry street, South Nashville, near the A. Baptist Church, on which there is a small Frame Tenement.

The lot fronts 70 feet, is 180 feet deep. Apply to A. V. S. FOR STENT.

Rutledge property can are rented until first 1859. Possession given immediately. Apply to Sept. 28. A.

V. 8. LINDSLEY. FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT DWELLING AT LOW FIGURES. I AM Summer now Street, offering in for the sale 7th a most Ward.

desirable The Lot Residence fronts on 35 feet by 170. The House Is new and neat, containing five to Rooms, Kitchen, Servants Room, Smoke House, Dairy and Stable. The gas has just been carried in front of this Lot. I know it to be a bargain. Apply to A.

V.8. LINDSLEY, June 90. ee. VALUABLE FREE-SOIL LOT FOR SALE. I now strees, offering near for the sale a corner of valuable Broad.

Building The lot Lot fronts on sixty-six feet on Spruce, is one hundred and fifty feet deep, with a convenient alley in the rear. This property is exempt from taxes for 26 years from 1st January next. This exemption is of more! value than is usually accorded to it, as not only the grounds has all improvements erected thereon, but free from taxes. The saving in the item of taxes. will more than pay for the ground and all improvements.

This lot is also situated in a part of the city that is now being rapidly filled up wilh Ane dwellings and private residences. Terms reasonable. Apply to July 80 A. LINDELEY. RENT.

COMFORTABLE DWELLING on Lower Market A near the Square, balance of the year, contains six rooms, besides Kitchen and Servants Room. Possession given immediately. A portion of the Purniture will be sold if desired. House can be rented by a good ten ant the ensuing year. Apply to June PA.

V.8. LINDSLEY. TOR Two New DWELLINGS on Spruce Street, corner of Un.on Alley, just finished containing each five rooms, besides Kitchen and Servants Room, Merchants and others wanting houses convenient to the Square had better call soon. Will be rented with the privile, of next year. Apply to A.

V. S. LINDSLEY, March 17. 88, College Street. SALE ninety-seven -A with Valuable acres Farm of woodland contain- deing acres, in all 183 Acres, on Whites Creek, five miles north of Nashville, between the Farms of Wm.

B. Ewing and Rev. A. L. P.

Green, Land excellent, well improved and well watered. Is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to A. V. S.

LIND3LEY, March 1. P. G. 88 College 8 reet. TOR the residence of the late Dr.

Berry. Contains ten rooms, with kitchen, servant's room, sutiable out-houses, etc. The ground contains five acres, with fruit trees, a goed vegetable garden, fine well of water, etc Apply to A. V. 8.

LINDAL Feb. 14. EY. 'OR SALE- -In West Nashville, Lot No. 154 fronting 50 feet on Demumbrane Street and ning back 175 feet to an Alley -a handsome lot.

Apply to feb. A. V. S. LINDSLEY.

TOR -Lot No. 101 handsomest Shelby's Addition, on Woodland Street, one of the a the whole addition. 19, A. V. S.

LINDSLEY. TOR Addition SALE. on Ewing -Lots Avenue, 274 on and which 275 are in two Ewing's small frame dwellings. For sale cheap. Apply to fire Feb.

19. A. V. S. LINDSLEY.

FOR SALE. Lot No. 88 17 feet in on the South Wilson Union Spring Addition den br onting Street. One of the 1 mest lots in this addition. pa Apply to Feb.


The RUTLEDGE PROP ERTY, with about 15 acres of Ground. Ope. fis of the most desirable residences in the city. Apply to! Feb. 19, Monte 07 V.

8. LINDSLEY. FOR DWELLINGS, SALE- near Two or Public Three Convenient Apply 10 a the S. LINDSLEY, Feb 14. 88 College Street.

BUILDING Valuable Lot for a Family Dwelling, adjoining the residence of Simon Glenn, on North Market Street, is for sale. The lot fronts 30 feet and is 170 feet deep, and is offered very low. Be quick or you will lose a bar gaine For terms, call on Feb, 14. V. LINDELEY.

FOR SALE. A Valuable Building Lot on Cherry Street, 8th Ward, near the Baptist Church. Fronts 97. feet and is 160 deep, with an alley in the rear. Is offered very A.

low. LINDSLEY. Appry to V. 8. Feb.

14. FOR the best SALE. portion -One our or city. two Those Building wishing Lots, good locations for dwellings, convenient to business, had better call immediately. You will regret you let this chance slip.

Apply to. Feb. 14. A. V.

8. LINDSLEY. SOUTH -FOR SALE- -Five BEAUTIFUL BITILDING LOTS, at the junction of Maple Street and the Murfreesboro Turnpike. Lots are one hundred and eighty-eight feet deep. and will he sold on long time, the owner caring more for interest than he does for principal.

Apply to Feb. 14. A. V. LINDSLEY.

SOUHTERN PORTABLE PLANTATION Corn-Feed and Flouring Mill ESTABLISHMENT. UR8 Millstones of all sises on hand gearing. and (made belting, to smutt mills, mill irons, mill wire, damsel iron, hoisting and regulating screws, trand screen baiting cloths of al Plaster paris, Dutch anchor, numbers. for erection of flouring and sawWe also repairing done in the most subcontract the mills. Also all Kinds of mechanics, can stantial manner general being satsfaction.

All articles sold by both practical we be of, the best quality Miller 3, safely promise us are warranted to, invited to examMill wrights and others are respectfully ine our stock and communications promptly attended before purchasing All orders WARNE RYAN, College and Rroad at. Nashville sug 11-d a cor. E. M. SUCCESSOR TO SEAGO LAWRENCE,) THE PRODUCE COMMISSION TILL SINESS, New Commod cus Fire Proof Building, CONTINUE front of Atlanta Hotel, and next door to House, The Atlanta, usual Georgia.

facilities offered to Shippers. Orders respectfully solicited. Nov. 18- NEW WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 57.

COLLEGE STREET. We are now receiving aud opening at our New Store, No 57 College Street, a very large and entirely new Stook of ready made Olothing, embracing every we description of gooda belonging to the Clothing business, think we will be able to a very desirable Stock in this line for the Fall and Winter trade. Please call and exanie Ine our MERINO UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ALL WOOL UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, BLEACHED CANTON FLANNEL 56 DRAWERS, a SILK UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, V10 BROWN I BLEACHED AND BROWN DRILL DRAWERS, BERLIN MENS MITTENS, AND BOYS, BUCK GLOVES AND LAMB LINED, GAUNTLET and PLAIN, RED, MENS BLUE AND BOYS BLUE SUSPENDERS, MIXED FLANNEL, UNDER AND OUT SIDE SHIRTS, HICKORY SHIRTS, or COLORED SHIRT LINEN COTTON SHIRTS, 00LLARS. FRONTS WHITE AND COLORED, BLK. AND COUD CRAVATS TIES, great variety, LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, COLD AND WHITE LINEN CAMBRIO HDKFS.

gts BORDER PLAIN AND EMB'D SELF ADJUSTING STOCKS, WOOLEN COMPORTS, CHENEELE MUFFLERS, CASHMERE GENT'S TRAVELING SHAWLS, BLANKETS, AROTIC BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SATINET AND CLOTH BEECH, WEBB 00. BUIT8, all colors. Nashville Sept, 1-- eot8m OLD COUNTRY HINTON PLACE, the Gallatin THE on pike, two miles from the city, sub-divided into suitable Lots for Subarban Resider ces, and le now offered for sale by A. V. LINDSLEY, Feb.

14. 88 Oollege Street. NOR RENT. A few neat and comfortable DWELLINGS, in South Nashville, Including of Claiborne's. Apply to Y.


GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 20. 23, College Street, Opposite Sewanee House. DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS IN STORE. 300 50 BBLS. Old Rectifed Rye Whisky, do; good brands.

50 Bourbon do; 50 Monongahala do; 75 Old Reserve do; 80 4 Old D. D. Tenn. do; 45 44 New York Brandy; 15 44 Gin; 5 Very superior Old Riye Whisky; 4 Cast United Vinuare Proprietors Brandy, Vintage warranted pure; 1 Pipe Old Holland Gin 10 bbis. pure Cherry Brandy; :8 Blackber 15 Casks superior Cherry Wine; 10 Maderia Wine; 20 Casks Brandy, good brands; 25 Malaga Wine; 25 Old Port Wine; 5 Pipes superior Brandies; 75 bbls.

pure Cider Vinegar; Cigars, good 100 Boxes Tobacco, Various brands; 20 Grove Smoking Tobacco; 25 Pipes; 100 bbls. Butter and Soda Crackers; 50 boxes Teas; 10 kegs Shot; 10 Bar Lead; 25 Groce quart and pint Flasks; 25 Brandy Bottles in transit; 25 boxes Pear )starch; 10C large and mediora. Blacking; 100 Percussion 2 Ceroons Indigo; 1 Cask Dutch Madder; 1 Case Nutmegs; 1 Hamper Cloves; 2000 lbs Sugar Cured Beef. Also Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Coperas, Fancy Soaps, Candies, common Bar 8owp, fine. Bottled Brandy and Wines, Mustard, Sardines, Wrapping Paper, Bachker's German Bitters, for chills, dyspepsia, or any disease arrising from disordered stomach; and many other articles in the Grocery line, which will be sold at low prices by Aug.



0. Sugar; 200 obls Crushed and Powdered Loaf Sugar; 50 boxes Loaf Sugar, Boston. Coffee. 400 bags Prime Rio Coffee; 800 bags Baltimore and Java; 100 bags Laguyra. Molasses.

15: barrels New Orleans Molasses, (Reboiled.) 50 do do do; 50 do do Syrups; 25 kegs do. Salt. 800 bbls Kanawha Salt: 2000 sacks Fine and Coarse Salt. Flour. 100 bbls extra brand Flour; 500 sacks Drakes Mills.

500 sacks Drake's Mills Tobacco. 50 boxes Langhorn's Gold Leaf Tobacco; 100 do other choice brands; 50 do common Manufacture. Cigars. 80,000 genuine Napoleon Cigars; 20,000 imitative do do; 50,000 assorted brands. Glasswars.

800 boxes qt. and pt. and half pt. Flasks; 85 gross Brandy ottles, quarts; 200 boxes Tumblers, assorted kinds; 100 do Window Glass, 8 p4 10 and 10p4 Sundries. 150 bbls.

Walker's Ale; 25 casks Porters, qts. and pts; 15 do Scotch Ale; 200 boxes Star and Tallow Candles; 100 do Soap, No. 50 do Wheaten Starch; 25 do smoking Tobacco; 40 do Scotch Snuff; 80 casks Soda; 50 boxe: Catchup; 25 do Pepper Sauce; 50 do Pickles, gal. qts. and pts; 25 do Lemon Syrup; 80 do Brandy Cherries; 20 cases Sardines; 15 nests Painted Tubs; 50 dozen Painted Buckets; 50 do Cider do; 40 nests Market Baskets; 500 Demijohns; 700 reams Wrapping Paper; 400 bundles Wrapping Twine; 25 boxes Pipes; 20 cases Friction Matches; 10 bbls Blacking; 100,000 G.

D. Caps; 65 dozen Cotton Bed Oords; 50 do Plow Lines; 85 Cotton Rope; 1100 kegs Nails: 1u tierce Rice; 50 dozen ash Boards; 10 kegs Bar Lead; 500 bags Shot; 20 half chest Imperial and Gunpowder Tea; 20 do Black and Young Hyson 50 bags Pepper and Spice; 80 bags Ginger; 5 Atum; 5 K. Salts; 10. do E. Brimstone; 500 pounds Indig; 75 boxes Yeast Powders; 2 casks Madder; 20 bars 8.

8. Almonds; 28 bbis Pecans; 144 dozen brooms; 25 bbls Crackers. Liquors. 500 bbls Pike's Dean's and 8am Hale's Whisky; 75 do Robertson Old Rye and Bourbon do; 20 d. Holland Gin; 15 bbls N.

Rum; 80 do American Brandy, 2 casks Catawba Brandy; 8 bbls Apple do; 2 bbls Peach do; 25 bbls Native Wine; Foreign Brandy and Wine. 10 half pipes Celebrated Brandy; 50 baskets Champagne; 10 boxes White Wine; 24 half pipes Sherry, Port and Madeira Wine. May 6-tf. BURGE ALLEN. PHONIX BEDSTEAD FACTORY.

W. R. CORNELIUS. AGENT, We are the Agents in Nashville of Longworth'a Catawba Wine that is so very popular. PHANKFUL for past favors and indulgences would suggest that we have Steam Up, once more, and will 801 be manufacturing Cottage Bedeteads, Lounges, of every description for the Trade and our customers generally.

Office and Ware Rooms, No. 49 Spring Street, near Cherry, where we will also keep a general assortment of cheap Chairs, Bureaus, Wardrobes, and will also keep on hand and make to order every description of Mattress es, Persons ordering from A distance may rely on having their orders filled kespectfully. W. R. CORKELIUS Agent.

SHAFFER Proprietors. April 25, 1857. Bunerals. R. CORNELIUS, Agent for the sale of Fisk's CelW.

ebrated Patent Metalic Burial Case, 1s prepared to attend to all Funerals as heretofore, when his services may be required. Office at the Wareroom, No. 49, Spring Street, near Cherry, Residence No. 12, Vine Street, between Spring and Broad. N.

Will also attend to receiving and forwarding bodles, when notifled. April 25. v. PIANO FORTES, LOOKING GLASSES, NOW in store a fine of Pianos, Melodeons, Window Shades, Artists Materials, and are still manufacturing Inside Blinds and all kinds of Gilt Works have recently added largely to our stock of ORNAMENTS FOR MIRRORS, In a word we intend to keep up with the times, please our customers and induce them to patronize home instead of sending abroad. W.


Cold Baths, Water Closets, Pumps and Lead Pipes o1 all Hydrants will be put up and repaired in any part of the city promptly and in a workmanlike manner at the lowest erma. 26-1y. MARBLE MONUMENTS. M. L.

SHELTON INFORMS his friends and the publicin general that he is now prosecuting the MARBLE in the shop on Cherry Street, next door to the Union and American Office, where he will be pleased to attend to the orders of all who may want work in his line done. He has ani will keap on hand a supply of MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Manufactured of the finest Italian and American Marble, AT THE CORNER OF Spring and Market Streets. EL. A. COOPER his to the citizens of Nashville, in the tenders business, and is now, prepared to put up in the most satisfactory manner Shower, Hot and the beststyle of the art.

All of his work will be warranted. March 25. A. ANSLEY. GENERAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE MERCHANT.

Office on Broad Street" Opposite Union Bank, Augusta, Ga. Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of Bacon Lard. Grain, Flour, Cotton, nd all articles of Mer chandise consigned to him. to the forwa ding of Hoods for the interior and Northern Markets sat the cusomary rates. liberal advances either in cash or by acceptance made on articles in store or when bills of La ding accompany drafts.

March 8. New Wheat Flour, SUPERIOR article, Manufactured by Rio Mille, fo sale for cash to close consignment, by July 29 R. O'KANE. Gift Sale. H' Beautiful orders doctor out offered some of the Auction most before Rare sale will and re ceiving new stock, would say accompanying this be given away Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Cameo and Florentin setts.

I would request all to examine the stock before the sale. Sale positive. 27 CHAS. FOX. Aug.

EPPERSON -SPRINGS FOR SALE. WING to the death of Dr. A. M. Debow, (one of the 0 proprietors of the Springs,) it is deemed advisable on the part of the Executors of the estate to sell his interest, (one half of the Should Epperson suit Springs those tract of land and its ap- to purtenances it wishing to purchase, purchase the whole premises, Lace the subscriber will sell his inerest also.

This Watering is too well known to require comment. TEKM8-One fourth in cash, the balance in three annua payments. For further particulars apply to me on the premises, or E. T. Tray and R.

M. Potts, (Executors of Dr: M. Debow, dec'd) WM. A. DEBOW.

Hartsville, Sept 5, 1857. sept10-eo2m HEALTH OF AMERICAN WOMEN. Mr Lewis A. Sayre, M. As a physician and surgeon of the highest reputation, I call upon you to consider a few facts of the inost vital importance to every woman in the country.

The highest professional authority admit that more women die troin uterine diseases than from any other cause, and that they are unable to cure the diseases or to arrest this frightful mortality. 1 will ask your attention to the reasons for this, and then to a remedy which has been eminently successful for many years and which has the sanction of the most enlightened physicians in the country. The medicines ia general use among the profession for the treatment of Falling of the Womb, Whites, Deranged Menstruation and local diseases of the uterine organs, gether with the constitutional symptoms. attending them, are Iron, Strychnine, Opium, Cantharides, C'onium. Can nabis Ind ca, Secale Cornutom and mechanical means such as pessaries.

When administering them, the patient is informed that she is taking nothing that will hurt her. Let us see. Iron, the most harmle and the best of them, when given for these complaints, produces heat, thirst, difficulty of breathing, and intolerable headaches. Secale produces nausea, vomiting, giddiness, delirium, stupor sud weight in the head. Strychnine is a poison so violent that the most minute doses are sometimes fatal, and yet it is given by rule from the bock, and without knowledge of all the little indications which may prevent it from causing death.

The effect of the Opium is to relieve pain by relaxing the muscles, but this very relaxation is again the cause of some of the most torturing complaints. Conium and Cunrthurides both cause convulsions, heat, tremblings, faintness, and great debility. Pessaries are indelicate, and they also irritate and rause ulcers, putrid discharges, and sometimes incurable disease of the bladder. In small doses these medicines will not always produce immediately fatal effects, but continued as they are in the trentment of these diseases, they will inevitaby injure the sistem, and cause lingering and painful symptoms, and hurry to the grave a woman who was already past enough on the way without the aid of these violent poisons. I can convince you, sir that the administration of these medicines never cured a case of uterine diseases; but on the contrary, that future suffering and often an early death almost invariably follow their use.

The insidious poison is gradually absorbed by the system until the patient ouly perceives her error in time to find there is no hope. I ask vou, as a man and as a ysician, why will you give your countenance to a practice which persists in administering poisons and in driving women to their graves. Fortunately we can turn from this side of the picture to a more bri liant one. There is a remedy for these complaints. It is not composed of poisons but of medical simples of great efficacy.

It never has nor never can injure the system. It is certain to effec: a cure; and its ingredients are at the service of yourself or any physician. In a series of letters published in the leading papers and addressed to eminent physicians I have argued the general value of the medicines (Marshall's Uterine Oatholicon) and have given proof of its efficacy. My object now is to call your attention to a comparison of its efficacy with the faifure of your own remedies; to contrast its mild and certain action with the harsh and fa tal eff cts of the poisons administered by the profession generally, and to urge upon you, as you value your reputation, to use Marshall's Uterine Catholicon, or run the risk of being classed with those physicians, who, pursuing the old beaten track, excite our pity for their ignorance or our execrations for their knavery. J.

F. BRIDGE, M. Secretary Co. For sale by MACKENZIE BECKWITH, oct 25-tf Nashville. ODD FELLOWS HALL.

OSCAR BOEME, removed under Odd Fellows' Hall, where he will as HAs before, manufacture Fringes, Cords, Tassels, Buttons, All materials, for Embroidery, Knetting, Nettin and Crochet work kept on hand. Quality and Variety the greatest and best, as usual. produce. jan 21. NEW GROCERY HOUSE.



Nos. 13 and 15, barket Street, Nashville, Tennessee. Are in receipt of a large and well selected stock of Groceries which they will exchange cheap for cash or country C. M. Stewart, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER AND MERCHANT, NO.

41, BROADWAY. The highest market price paid for Country Produce of all kinds. 7. M. CHEATHAM.


CHEATHAM, WHOLESALE Dealers in Fine Brandies, Wines and Tobacco, Cigars, Nails, DOMESTIC LIQUORS, And sole agents in Nashville, or Dupont's Celebrated RIFLE POWDER, Tennessee BLASTING POWDER, and Toy, Brick ford Co. SAFETY FUSE. CORNER COLLEGE AND CHURCH Nashville, Tenn, Oct. -dtf. Agent.

R. L. WEAKLEY. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE DEALER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, IRON, CASTINGS, C. Corner of Front de Broad Streets, Nashville, Tenn.

FRESH ARRIVALS OF GROCERIES. 100 hhds prime Sugar, 100 bbls Powdered, Loaf and Crushed Sugar, 250 bags Prime Rio Coffee; 100 bbls. Molasses, 50 do, 50 bags Old Gov. Java and Laguyra Coffee, 35 bbis Mackerel, assorted, 50 doz. Buckets, 150 boxes Star and Mould Candles, 200 kegs Wheeling Nails, assorted, 100 boxes Tobacco, assorted brands, Imported Regalia Oigars, 80,040 Assorted Brands do, 75 boxes Scotch Herrings, 8 tierces Fresh Figs, 40 bags Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 50 boxes Bar Soap.

LIQUORS. 200 bbls, Magnolia Whiskey, 150 bbls Robinson Co. do. 200 bbls Bourbon and Old Reserve Whisky 100 bble American Brandy, 50 bbls. Gin, 20 hbls Peach Brandy, Also a large stock of Fine Imported Brandies and Wines st received and for sale by Feb.11.

M. K. P. CHEATHAM. For Nashville and New Orleans Trade.

THE new and light-draught Steamer CRESCENT, W. HOLMES, Master, will run regularly in the above trade, during the present season, commencing on the first Rise in the Cumberland River She has excellent accommodations, and in point (1 speed and safety is unsurpassed. For freight or passage, apply to H. H. HARRISON, stock and taken the Stand of Anderson, the undersigned is prepared to accommodate his old customers, and such new ones as may give him a call, with the very best Groceries that the mar.

set will afford. 2 He will buy all kinds of country produce, usually brought te this market. July 9. R. L.

WEAKLEY. MULES, MULES. sale, one of the largest and finest of teams of mules in the State Also an excellent match family carriage horses, and an able work horse. A few thorough bred colts and fillies of most approved breed. Also a few heifers and bulls of the best milk stock.


PIKE'S Magnolia Whisky CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE undersigned manufacturer and sole proprietor of the above brand of WHISKEY, would respectfully inform his customers and purchasers of this celebrated brand, that there has appeared in the Charleston and other Southern markets a counter. felt of the above Whiskey, being A poisonous imitation, branded similar to his brand; it passes under the name of 8. N. Dike's Magnolia Whisky, Cincinnati, Ohio, and other names similar to 8.

N. Pike. PAs there is no party in this city of the name of S. N. Dike, it is intended to impose and deceive those who would purchase the genuine brand.

I make this statement to put parties on their guard, as there are several persons in the East and West making an imitation, and using my name with slight alteration. have analyzed it several samples of this counterfeit brand, and found that contains a deadly poison, this fact alone, impels me to caution the public, protect those who are lia ble to he deceived and prevent the evil results attending the use of this poisonous imitation. also hereby caution the counterfeiters of my brand that I will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. The genuine S. Pike' Magnolia Whisky is distilled from the best qualities of Rye and Corn, and is warranted free from any deleterious or obnoxious compound, it being a pure and healthy beverage Many parties have recently commenced making brand of Whisky CALLED Magnolia, but they are an im.

tation my trade brand, so be careful and get the, only genuine Magnolia Whisky made in the United States, distilled only by me. BAM N. PIKE, April 91-19 Uncinnati. 0. ore No: 18 and 90 Sycamore, t.

No 9. SOUTH COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, MANUFAOTURER JAND DEALER IN LEATHER AND HIDES, AND MANUFACTURER OF Roots, Shoes and Negro Brogans. RE CASH PAID FOR HIDES Jan: 15-1y Fairbank's Scales. A full stock of Fairbank's Celebrated Dormant Platform Grocers, Counter, Flour and Beam Scales. Also Hay and Coal Scales in store and for sale at Factory Prices by W.

H. GORDON 00. May 91. Sole Agents for Middle Tennessee Wheat Sacks! WHEAT Sacks on band and fer 30,000 sale by D. D.

DICKEY. TANNER'S OIL. 1,000 Gallons Tanner's Oil, best quality; just received and for sale low at Aug 9 RAINS BROWN'S No. 29. Public Square, Nashville.

Pitt's. Patented Smoke Expelling, Heat RADIATOR. IMPLICITY, neatness, economy, comfort and durabilicombined in this improvement. A single plate of cast ir so placed, with its lower edge resting against the back of the fire place, and its upper edge against the arch at an angle, forming a part of the back it elf, yet so as not to interfere with the fuel.Through this plate appertures are so arranged that a sufScient draft is created to correct smoking fire place. The intermediate bars are made in a form capable of arresting the heat that would otherwise escape by the chimney and radiate or throw it back into the room.

It has been fairly tested before competent witnesses and pronounced very successful. It is suited for either coal or wood grates or fire places. No alteration is necessary in the masonry ofany ordinary chimney. It can be put up by any person of common sense in a few minutes. It costs but a trifle.

The right of the patent for several of the best States for sale. Terms pretty high A gentleman of great practical and scientific experience, connected with the Government at Washington, bought a State right before the patent left the office. My aduress is E. PITTS, April 2-tf. Nashville Tenn Business Change.

HAVE this day disposed of my entire interest in the I business of Johnson, Horne to Jno A. Fisher and James Wheless who will continue it as heretofore, and for whom I earnestly solicit a liberal share of public patronage. july A. HORNE. FISHER.

CO. (SUCCESSORS TO JOHNSON, CO.) Tobacco, Storage, General Commission and Produce Merchants, Corner Broad and market street, Nashville, will devote particular to all buneiess entrusted to them. july 9--tf E. R. GLASco*ck AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGENT Would offer services to the public, as agent for the sale ofReal Estate, Negroes, Furniture, Dry Goods, Groceries, Or other species of property, either in wn or country.

Being determined to devote my time to the above business and having had considerable experienc I flatter myself that I can give satisfactio to those who may favor me in that line. be fond at the Counting Room of the 'Patriot Office," where, in my absence, crders can be March 8. loss. The shiping mark and destination mu be plain on each Sack. I.

ANDERSON, enn18 Superintendent. Gas, For GAS JAS, best prepared 8 Oil MO Fitting 8 eAvy Candles, Nashvil 8 manner. and NOTICE. TE you wish to sell your Grain, put it in good shipping order Grain for shipment over the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad will only be received in New ny Bags. or in new Osnaburg Sacks of good quality, well sewed, and made to contain about two bushels each.

Special Notice is given that Grain in new Domestic Sacks, or in second hand Sacks of any kind, will not be received and forwarded, as they are insufficient to bear handling and protect con ents; besides, old sacks are often twice and thrice arked, cause misconsignment and WHOLESALE RETAIL MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 30 Union Street. A. CROOKER now receiving and opening his Spring Stock of MilliIS nery Goods. Merchants and Milliners will find it to their interest to give him a call, as his stock is far superior to any kept in the city.

As every one knows what constitutes a complete assortment of Millinery Goods, it is useless to enumerate articles. It is "nough for his lady customers to know that Sirs. Crooker selected this Stock, and with a view to the interests and tastes of their patrons The public may rely upon being honestly dealt with, as he does business in his own name. March 19. CRAIGHEAD CO.

DEALERS IN ARE, 29 PUBLIC SQUARE. TAMES B. CRAIGHEAD having purchased the entire interest of Mr. WM. U.

MINCHIN, in the business of ad Minchin. is alone authorized to use the name of late Arm in liquidation, and will continue the business at the old stand, No. 29, Public Square, under the title as above May 18, 1857. To Millers, Coopers, C. B.

HUTCHISON'S PATENT STAVE AND BARREL MACHINERY I RIGHTS, and Machines of this truly valuable invention, for the manufacturing Hogsheads and Barrels of every description, and the rapid and beautiful preparation of stock for the sane, can be purchased for any County in this State, by applying to the subscribers at the store of A. H. Hicks, or by letter, Box 269 Post Uffice. Nashville, May S. E.

FERGU ON CO. Valuable Improved City Lots For Sale. ONE 190, Lot with a fronting superb on Brick Maple Street, Dwelling, 80 feet, containing running 9 or back 10 rooms, a good cistern, Smoke House, Also one Lot fronting 126 feet on Pearl Street and 190 feet deep with a good two story Brick House containing 8 or 10 rooms, servants rooms, kitchen, a good well, smoke house, Both lots finely set with shrubery, shade and fruit trees and will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply to NANCE WOODWARD, JAMES M. MURRELL, or WM.

C. NANCE. Several good farms, well improved, near Nashville. A large number of unimproved lots. Several Garden Lots, frem 5 to 15 acres, near the city.

Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon on Jan 6. D. NANCE WOODWARD H. S. FRENCH SONS, WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN COTTON.

TOBACCO, AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Corner of Clarke and Market Streets, NASHVILLE, TENN. NURKS ISLAND bags Turks Island Salt in store and for sale low to close Dec. H. S. FRENCH SON.

Whisky. -200 bbls. Whisky in store and for sale by Jan. 18 H. S.

FRENCH SON. Nalt. -2700 bags coarse and fine Salt, 500 barrels Salt, in store and for sale by Jan. 18 H. S.

FRENCH SON. Moffee. -400 sacks prime Rio Coffee, 50 sacks Jar in store and for sale by San. 18. 8.

FRENCH SON, CEMENT. BBLS. Louisville Cement, in store and for sale by july 10 0 JO. EDWARDS. Mount Olivet Cemetery.

THE Directors of this Company, now announce to the Public, that this Cemetery has been laid of with suitable avenues and walks, and a portion of the grounds subdivided into Family Lots, which are now offered for sale. The map of the grounds can be seen at the office of Lindsley Crockett, where the public are invited to call and examina a the same. The Company feel confident they could not have made a more suitable location for a Cemetery in the vicinity of Nashville and pledge themselves to the public to spare no money or pains to make it equal to any Cemetery in the Union, and such a one as Nashville may feel some pride in. The Cemetery is pow in the charge of competent 8u- perintendant, living on the ground under whose direction interments will be made in the best manner and at the usua charges. The Directors of the Company are desirous that the grounds should be visited by the citizens of Nashville and for that purpose an Omnibus will leave the office of Linds.

ey Crockett, at 4 o'clock on Teasday afternoon the 8th and on every Friday afternoon at the same hour The seats will be free. Ladies and Families desirous of visiting the grounds will be called for at their residences, by sending their card to the President of the Company. A. V. 8.

LINDSLEY, President. O. W. NANCE. Bec'y Tuly 7-tt GINGHAMS, BEAUTIFUL assortment of check and plaids; altoA getter new, at FURMAN co.

HOSIERY, SUPERB ot of every No. Just opened at A FURMAN'S co. To Cistern Builders. 280 BBLS, sale Hydraulic by de Cement, a genuine article, in store. july3 McCRAE TERRASS.

CUN AGENCY 10 CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN Gunpowder. Have now in Magazine nd constant recent from Manufaeturers, supplies or tre bes: randy of Rifle and Blast 19 COWDER. am prepared to furnish contractore any amount of Blasting Pewaer And Safety Fuse. Orders promptly Alled. T.

A. MCCALL, Ag't. Office at Whiteman' Paper Store, North -east Corner Pabil qune. 9 LAW NOTICE. NO.

R. EAKIN- for erly of Nashville, has resumed the practice of Law in the several Law and kquity Courts of BEDFORD, COFFEE and FRANKLIN Counties. will receive prompt attention. per Past. Office and residence at Wartrace Depet, Bedeard County.

NASHVILLE CG MERCIAL INSURANCE COMP'Y Capital ALL PAID IN AND SOURED ILL THIS Company being fully organized, accor. ding to Charter, is prepared to write Pollcies against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on BUILdiNGS, GOODS, WARMS, and MERCHANDIZE SEAS, generally. RIVERS, Also, on Shipments against Loss or Damage by or INLAND TRANSPORTATION, on the most vorable terms. LIFE and NEGRO Policies granted at current rates, Office, No. 50 College street, East side, between street and the Public Square.

DIRECTORS. Alexander Fall, Henry Hart, James Anth. W. Vanleer, Thos. W.

Evans, John H. Ewin, Woods, John Kirkman, W. T. Berry. R.

O. McNairy, Hugh McCrea, Wesley Greenfield. ALEXANDER FALL, President. James WALKER, Secretary. April 80, '54.

Tennessee Marine Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, -Capital $150,000: In Pearl's Corner of Office. the They Public will Square over Dyer Exchange take risks on Dwellings and other Houses, Goods in Store against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, Marine and River hazards, from and to all ports. -ALSONegroes against the dangers of the River. DIRECTORS.




W. HENDERSHOTT, WHOLESALE RETAIL DRUGGIST. receiving a General Assortment of PURE and GENUINE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Warranted as pure as any sold in city or any other. in fact it is only necessary say thine Lut the best cines are fered. Pure Chemicals, various brands, Fresh Lime Juice, Cod Liver Oil, Congress Water, Swedish Leeches; Breast Pumps, a new and convenient article, Syringes some new kinds, Fancy Articles, some of the most beautiful kinds, 100 oz.

Pure Sulph. Quinine, bought for cash and will be sold very low. Oat Meal, Teas, various kinds, also a lot of Canton Teas-80 much admired in this market. Very fine assorted stock of Perfumery. Wines, Brandies, Gin, for Medical uses.

For sale by G. W. HENDERSHOT Cor. Cedar St Square. April 11.

Nashville, Tenn. FAMILY GROCERIES, WHITLEY do CO. AVE family just use, received, consisting a in splendid part of stock of Groceries for Catsups and Sauces, a great variety, Baking Powders, the very best, Pickles and Mustards, very superior, Sugar cared and country cured Hams, Wines, all kinds, best quality, Teas: Coffees, Sugars and Spices, best in the market. ALC all ot er arlicles usual kept in such establishments. Orders Alled promptly with the best we NAvE Or an prooure 20.

Removal. Bransford, McW Whirter Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, VARIETIES, TRIMMINGS, AND READY- MADE CLOTHING, MANTLES, No. 3. Nashville, Inn Block, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.

Sept. 1 R. C. M'NAIRY Large Dealers in all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 55, COLLEGE STREET, Nashville, Tennessee.

AVING removed our New and Capacious WareH House, as indicated above, we most respectfully cal attention o1 the Retail Trade to our LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprised in the assortment (and which we most particularly invite the attention the Trade) will be found: full and attractive stock of Plain Black and Fancy Dress Silks. Plain and Printed Merinos, Plain, Colored and Printed Delaines, Plain, Black and Fancy Mohair Lustres, White Goods Embroderies, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Plain, Black, and Fancy French Cloths, 64 Doeskins, Fancy Plush Vestings, Tailors Trimmings, Ladies Cioaks. Beride a very large and Well assorted etock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured under the immediate supervision of ene of our firm expressly for the Tennessee Trade. Our Stock of PLANTATION GOODS, such as Osnaburgs, White Linseye, Plain and Twilled Kerseys, very heavy Georgia Plains and Twills, Negro Blankets, Country made Jeans and Socks. will be found very large, ano as cheap as can be offered in the Southern country.

Our facilities for business having been very much increased. We shall offer eatra inducements to those whe may favor us with a call this season. BRANSFORD, McWHIRTER CO. WE have assorted now stock in of store Fall an and unusually Winter large (toods and of every elegantly description, and we are prepared to offer greater irducements to persons wishing articles in our line, than it has ever been our pleasure to do Our stock, both as to quali ty and vari-ty. will compare with any in the country, and our prices shall be low as 't is possible for them to be.

and strangers visiting the city will do well to give our stock an early and thorough examination, as we feel we can make it to their interest. We would call the attention of the buyers particularly to the following departments in our business. Dress Goods. Elegant three flounced Silks; two do; Double skirt do; Bayadere do; Bridal Dresses; Dinner do; Evening do; Morning Robes; Printed Delaines. Together with an endless variety of medium And low priced Silks, in Flounces, Robes a-Quille, and by the yard, in plain, plaid striped and bayaderes, also satin- faced, and double twilled Merino and Cashmeres.

Great variety of all and Union Plaids, and everything new and desirable in this wwy. Cloaks, Shawls and Scarfs. We have now the largest and most elegantly assorted stork in this way, ever seen in 'he country, many of which were imported by Messrs. A. T.

Stewart of New York, expressly for our sales. In Velvets, we have them at all prices, from $18 to $200 We have also black and grey cloth, and Beaver Palmas and long Cloaks, for ladies and children in all qualities at from three dollars up. Shawls in all mizes ano qaaliti-s. both square and long, from the most ordinary to the most elega t. Also just received a fr-sh Invoice of those elegant high colored all Filk Chenele Shawls that are really beautiful.

Laces and Embroideries. In this line our stock is superb -embracing all the novelties of the reason. Collars and Serves separate and in setts, both and mourning; elegant Bridal Veils and ilandkerchiels, Lace Falls, real and imitation; Jaconet and Swiss Trimmings and Flouncings. Real Valenciennes, Point Aplique Laces, Insertings, House Furnishings. 8-4, 10-4, 10 by 12-4, 10 by 14-4, 10 by 10-4.

Damask Table Cloths, 6 4, 7 4, 8-4 and 10-4 Table Damask by the yard. All sizes. colored wool, Union and otton Table ('loths Plaid striped Toilinettes, Napkins, together with all kinds of Diap rs, Towelings, Marseilles Quilts, Also all widths cotton and linen sheetings, Pillow Linens, Domesics, etc. Curtain Goods. Elegant Satin Laines in all colors, with trimmings to match.

Elegant Reps in Chintz colors, with Trimmings to match. Elegant Lace Muslin Curtains; all wool, union and cotton Damasks in great variety, together with Cornices, Curtain Pine, aud. Bands, Carpetings and Oil Cloths. Real Wilton Carpets. Elegant Velvet and Brussels, in great variety.

Elegant 8 piys and Ingrains, the Ingrains the largest and best assortment we have ever offered, and at lower prices also. Velvet and Brussels stair and hall Carp ts; Twilled and plain Venetian in all widths; togeth er with Felte, Druggets, Crumb cloths, Rugs, Mats ac, kc. We are prepared to make and put down Carpets at the shortest notice We have a large lot of Floor Oil Cloths of the best makes, and io all widths, which we will cut in any shape to suit customers. Staple Goods. We have an unusually large lot of al' kinds of Domestic goods, Bleached and Brown Cottons; wool, union and cot ton Flannels, striped cottons for se: vants, in great variety.

Heavy goods for house and Geld servants. Prints, Gingh ms, Hosiery, Gloves, in short every thing in our line, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction cet 4 0 R. O. McNAIRY CO. POWDER! JUST received in 2000 Magazine and for sale, 500 Kegs, Kegs, 500 Quar.


Agents for the Manufac tu re GROCERIES. WE 750 have bbls in store Whisky, and for various sale brands; 50 hhds. Sugar; 250 hag: Coffee, Tu bbls. Molasses; 100 bbls. Stock Ale.

Together with Teas, Tobacco, Cigars, Spices, Star and Tallow Candles, and every other article usually found in a wholesale grocery. July ROLLINGRWORTH CO. FOR SALE. bounded VALUARLE To. in South Nashville, nearly square, by Washington; Jefferson and Pearl streets, on which there is good buildings.

A bargain will be given. For terms apply to LANIER, PHILLIPS 00., sept, 6- Market Street. SHOVS 00X DO INV TIVO 96 ArE 'SIMIT 'N SVIOHOIN 18 ESVO NI GIVE TIA SHOIHA ISHDIN AHI HOIHM SOM HA, '09 LY CHINVM TO spunod 000'ooT 000'0 NOHd A. H. ROSCOE, (Successor to W.

F. Gray,) WHOLESALE DRUGGIST No. 17, Broad and Market TENN. The Cheapest Soup in the World ordinary purposes can be made by purchasing one Can of Babbit's Potash. For seventy cents you can get enough to make 75 pounds of Soft Soap, or 50 lbs.

of hard. For sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 12 corner of Broad and Market streets. portant to T.

Babbit' celebrated No. 1 Soap Powder, washing without labor, and warranted to take stains out of Table Linen and Napkins. For sale by A. ROSODE, my 19 cor. of Broad and Market Nashville.

Brand supply just Wines, received and and for Holland sale by my 6 A. H. ROSCOE, Broadway. Received. -250 gross No.

1 Matches, in wood boxes. A. H. ROSCOE, at a received, 40,000 Cigars, favorite brands, small advance on cost, by A. H.

ROSCOE, my Broadway. ream pounds Cream Tartar, just received and for sale A. H. ROSCOE, my 6 Broadway. pounds Urude and Roll Brim stone, just received and A.

for H. sale by ROSCOE, my 6. Broadway -500 pounds Cloves, just received and for sale Cloves. ROSCOE, Broadway. (irass.

-300 bushels Herds Grass Seed, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 6. Broadway. luc.

anal barrels Glue, assorted numbers, just receiv. for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, Broadway. -500 pounds Emery, assorted numbers, just received and for sale by A.

H. ROSCOE, my 6 Broadway. Tricopherous. -86 dozen Barry's TriB'opperout, just received and for sale by my 6 A. H.

ROSCOE, Broadway. just you' received and for sale by dozen A. H. Lyon's ROSCOE. Katharion, my 6 Broadway.

pounds Lee's New Castle Sup. Carb. Soda, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 6.

Broadway. Dercussion Caps. Percussion Caps, 081 received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 6.

Broadway. chiedam Snapps. -4 gross Schiedam Snapps, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 6 Broadway.

Water. -36 dozen Saratoga Water, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, may 6. No.

17 Broadway. Oxygenated Bitters. -12 dozen Oxygenated Bit effectual remedy now known for Dyspepsia, just received and for sale by A. H. R0800E, may 6 No.

17 Broadway. JO. G. BROWN. No.

43 COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, DEALER 'N DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Window Glass, Glassware, Perfumery, Fine Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, And all the Popular Patent Medicines of the day. KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS -100 bushels stripped 50 bushels clean, warranted fresh. HERDS GRASS-150 bushels on hand. TIMOTHY SEED 10 barrels pure, just received.

LANDRETH'S GARDEN general assortment fresh and genuine, CABBAGE SEED-10 lbs. Large Drumhead and 10 lbs Flat Dutch. ASPARAGUS ROOTS by any quantity, two years old, grown by Mr. E. Trabue.

WYANDOT PROLIFIC CORN -Which is said to yield from 25 barrels to the acre, STRAWBERRY PLANTS- The very choicest varieties grown by Mr. Henry Driver. ARTIST'S COLORS- in tubes of every description. POTASH- rude and in cans. CONGRESS AND EMPIRE WATERS constantly 02 hand, which is received direct from the Springs.

STONE almost every size. LONDON PORTER- -A very superior article made by Barclay, Perkins in Pints and Quarts. COD LIVER OIL-5 gross just received, prepared by Hegeman Clark 10. PURE MONONGAHELA WHISKEY barrels just received and guaranteed to pure. BLUE LICK WATER in haif barrels and in pint bottles for sale Louisville prices.

PEARL STARCH-25 boxes just arrived of Proctor and Gar ble's perior manufacture. ROSIN SOAP-20 boxes an extra nice article. PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGARtrict purity of which can be relied Together with Lineeed, ard and Tanners' Oils, TurpenLead, Varnishes, Colors, dry and in oil, Fine Brandies, Wines, Teas, at JO. G. BROWN' Feb 19.

48 College St. NASHVILLE, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS DAILY LINE. THE following steamers form the Daily United States Mail line between Nashville and Cairo, leaving Nashville at 12 o'clock, and Cairo at M. J. G.

CLINE, HITE, Master CITY OF ILLE. WEAVER, Master; AMBASSADOR, YATT, Master; ALIDA, HARMON, Master. This line forms daily connections at Cairo with the Cairo and New Orleans Daily Mail Steamers, the Louisville and St. Louis Daily Boats, and also with the Central Ralroad to 8t. Louis and Chicago.

Passengers by this line can reach New Orleans, Memphis, 8t. Louis and Louisville in much less time than by any other Boats. For passage or freight apply at the Mail Packet Office of A. L. Davis.

O. W. DAVI8, President, Dec. 19-tr M. Mail Packet Company.

M'CHEA TERRASS. GROCERS. AND DEALERS IN LIQUORS, IRON, NAILS, AND CASTINGS, Corner of Broud and College Streets, Nashville, Tenn. WE sell have low now for in cash, store or the to following punctual goods dea ers that on we short will time, to wit: 50 hhds O. Sugar; 250,000 Percussion Caps; 250 bags Coffee; 400 bags as: orted Shot; 25 bbis crushed Sugar; 2500 lbs Lead; 20 bbls powdered Sugar; 85 casks English Soda; 40 Molasses; 40 bols soft shell Almonds; 25 bbis N.

0 Syrup; 10 bbls Pecans and Filberts; 15 kegs Golden 8y up, (St. 100 gross Blacking. Louis;) 100 boxes Impe ial and Gun 60 cases ass'd Pickles: powder Teas, 75 cases Baltimore Oysters; 6 cases Indigo; 25 boxes Starch; 1 cask Madder; 100 Star 0 gross Pipes; 200 boxes Soap; 100 gross Smoking Tobacco; 175 bx8 Tallow Candles; 15 gr Macabo, Snuff; 75 boxer Snuff; 5 bbis Epsom Salts; 10 hbls Almonds; 15 bags Ginger; 15 hbls Brimstone; 10 bags Spice; 50 bxs Tob cco, superfine; 20 ba 6 Pepper; 10,000 Cigars, various brands 80 bbis Copperas. Iron, Nails and Castings. 250 tons Iron, all sizes, war- 200 setts Iron Axles, to ranted; inch: 1000 kegs Nails, assorted, 8 40 boxes Axes to 40; 5000 lbs A.

B. Steel 50 tons assorted Castings; 4000 do cast and olister Steel. Liquors, 500 bbls Tennessee and Ohio 8 pipes Cognac Brandy: Whisky: 2" casks pure Mal. Wine; 75 bbl: American Brandy; 20 casks Port Wine; 50 old Eye Whisky; 10 bbls Cherry Brandy; 75 do Smith's rec. wh'ky; 5 do Peach do; 25 do American Gin; 20 cases Schiedam Schnapps 50 do native sweet Malaga; 100 bbls Walker's and Ray 80 do Rum; Bros.

Ale 1 puncheon pure Hol. Gin; Glassware. 200 boxes 9x10 and 10x12 80 bxs gal. gal. bottles, Window Glass; 20 do quart Bottles black; 75 boxes 12x14, 14x16, 16x18 40 do 5, 6, and 7 to the gal.

and 16x20; 100 do assorted Tumblers: 150 gross pint pint Fiasks800 do 1, 2. 8 5 gal. Dem'js; 60 do quart 10 do Decauters; 100 bags assorted Cotton Yarns. All of the above we sell low for cash, at the corner of Broad and College streets. july8 McCREA TERRASS.

JO. EDWARDS, WHOLESALE COMMISSIO AND PORWARDING MERCHANT, DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS, Corner of Spring and College Streets, Tenn. GROCERIES, 100 HHDS. Prime to Choice Sugar; 50 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugar; 200 bags Prime Rio Coffee; CO old Gov't Java Coffee; 100 bbis and half bhis.

Rebolled Molasses; 500 whole, half and quarter boxes Star Candles; 100 boxes Summer Mould do; 100 SORT; 550 Virginia and Missouri Tobacco; 200 Assorted Glassware: 1000 kegs Wheeling Nails, Brads and Spikes, assorted 50 bags Pepper, Spice aud Ginger; 20 8. 8. 20 4 English Walnuts and Filberts: 95 cases half and quarter boxes Sardines. 40,000 Imported Cigars 50,000 various brands do 50 dozen Painted Buckets; 50 pests do Tabs; 10 cases Matches; 25 colla Manilla Rope, assorted sizes. july 10 J0.

EDWARDS. LIQUORS. 500 50 BBLS. Old Rectifed Bourbon Whisky; do; 50 Monongahela do; 50 Rye do; 100 4 American Brandy; 50 Gin: 100 Walker': XX Ale; 25 N. E.

Rum; Also a large stock of fine Brandies, Wines, ke. store and for sale by july 10 J0. EDWARDS. FOR SILE. THE following Real Estate, situated in the city of Nashville, vis: One small brick house containing four good rooms and being No.

69 on North Summer street adjoining my residence; also the adjoining Lot fronting forty feet on Summer street A Lot fronting Afty feet on Month ride of Crawford street, between Summer and High streets. A Lat fronting twenty-right feet on Front street, nearly opposite to the Kai road Bridge. Three lots in with fifty feet front each And I will also sell a small farm. contain ing twenty seven arcres, miles North of the nity, The above property will be sold low and en reasonable me. For particulars apply te sug.

80 JOHN W. MARTIN. SMAN ONITIUVIS CHARLENTON AND NAVANNAN Freight Lines. 1857. to Through Nashville, Rates in from New connection York with an Pita and Philadelphia Steamship Lines, to continue without alteration from 1st June to lat of December, 1857.

First Class, per 100 10 Second 75 Third 55 Boxes, Hats, 75 burniture and a. Carriages boxed, and other light goods pot enumerated, Carboys of Acids, or other Chemnicals, per 100 8 80 FIRST CLASS. Piano Fortes, Books and Stationery, Boots, Sho*r Tiqu ors Oils, in Bottles, Camphine and Spirits Turpentine, It. barrels, Carpeting, China, Glass and Glassware, Cigars, in cases, Clocks, Confectionarier, Cotton Cards Dry Goods to boxes or bales. Drugs, Fruite, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery Furs, Garden Seeds, Looking Glasses and Looking Glass Plates, (at ownere' risk), Oysters in cans and jurs, Sad.

diery, Tin and Brittania Ware. Teas and Spices. SECOND CLASS. Hardware, (except such as is specified in third class,) Coffee Mills, Machinery, Foreign Liquors, in barrel and piper, Toba in boxes, Leather in rolls and box. 8 Oils in barrels and casks.

Crockery and Queensware In crates and casks, Rice, Whiting, Planter, Sheet Brass and Copper. THIRD CLASS. Axes, Shovels, Spades, Sad Irons, Zinc and Tin, in pigs, Tin- plate, Anvils, Vices, casks of Chains and ho*r. Manilla and Ootton Cordage, Coffee, heavy Castings, Mill pearing, Oarriage Springs and Axler, Railroad Wheels and Axles Chairs and spikes, and Rosin in barrels. SPECIAL RATES.

Boxes Hats, Furniture and Carriages boxed, and other light articles not enumerated, also Carboys of Acids or other Chemicals will be charged at double 1st class rates. Have every package pininly marked with name of consignee, de tina ion and depot of delivery. Aitention this matter prevents delays and losses and nsures speedy delivery. DIRECTIONE. Goods shipped via Savannah, should be consigned to Agent of Central Railroad, Savannah, and packages marked care Agent O.

R. Savannah. Ga vods shipped via Charleston should be consigned to the Agent of the South Carolina Railroad, Charleston and packages marked care Agent, 8. C. K.

R. Charleston, 6.0. through rates as above covers all expenses from The New York to Nashville. No commission, drapage, or wharfuge charged either at Charleston or Shippers may rely upon ur ifo-m rates and pron pt delivery by both lines. Over-charges and damage: by either lines will be adjusted by the agents of the Nashville and Chattanooga Kond.

In case of lost or missing goods, I will take charge of ADJ correspondence necessary for their recovery, and if not found. will pay for the same at the expiration of 30 day: after notice is given All notices of lost poode. for Nash. ville or stations on the Nashville and Chattanooga Road, must he addressed to 11 I. Anderson, Sup't, Merchants when in New York will receive every informa.

tion and assistance in shipting. applying the Agent of the Charleston Line, No. 195 Broadway, and the nah Line, No. 18 Broadway. CHAS.


MERCHANTS that who by may consigning ship by their the above versels are goods to the agente of the South Carolina Railroad. Charleston or of Central Railroad Savannah they will be forwarded free of commissions (drayage and wharfuge only charged) and be sent through at the following rates: From Charleston or Pavannah to NashvilleFirst class, per 100 $1 86 Second 1 00 Third 50 Special rates for light poods, per 00 lha. 2 70 Bills showing amount paid vessels and amount charged for drayage and wharfa*ge. will be mailed to consigntess. mAy 29 CHAS W.

ANI ERFON. Gen'l Agent. T. B. RAINE.


19, South Side Public Eq: are. NASHVILLE, TENN. 010 wi Lott SOUT A Chemicals, COMPLETE pure a and sortment of unadulterated Drugs. and Desh American and genuine Extracia select powders, always land, Flavoring A Lemon. Rose, Vanilla.

Pine Apple, Strawberry Celery. Almond, Raspberry, Peach hand Grange extracteer furoring. Best Bermuda Arrow Root, (love-, Nut megs. Cinnamon, A RAIN- BROWN'S. NASHVILLE AND CHATTAN(A CEl.

00 00 00 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINE DEPARTING Leaves Nashville every morning at 7:45, evening at 6: 0, Caattanonga IDOL N'0g nt 6,80, evening at 9:25. ARRIVING. Arrives at Chattanooga every evening at 5:80 46 morning :80 Nashville evening 4:20 morning 9:45 The Day Trains meet at Tullahon a and both connect with the Trains for Manchester and le gers for Beersheba other points en and Deal McMinnville Radroad, should tale the Lay Train as the co: nection by it at Tullakem is direct. March 24. H.

I. ANDEREON. Superint nit LYONS IMPORTERS OF AND WII ALP REALERR IN Foreign Brandies, Wines Liquors all kinds. HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO No. 19, CEDAR Nashville, Tenn.

made ext-neive additions to our present tablish ment, we are now supplied with one of the largest and best selected stock of de in our In belore offe ed in this city, and which we are cabled to offer at lower prices and with more inducen ente to our custemers than we have hitherto been doing All our atten ion being now devoted entirely to Wholesale 1 unineAN, any one favoringus with their orders, may dependupon them having our immediate attention, our stock congists of a full assortment of Brandies. Wines and Liquors of all description. Havana igars, an immense stock. Ch- wing Tobacco, most favorite brands. Smoking Tobacco of various kinds.

Pipes a very large assortment. Pickles, Sauces, Preserves, Brandy Fruits, Oysters, Fresh Salmon and Lob ters, Sardiner. Ac With various other articles to numerous to name, to which we invi the inspection of all. Or and examine at LYONS April 9 Cedar St. 200 of all kinds of Brandies, Wines liquors put up in full quart bottles at and other LYONS CO, 19 Cedar Ft.

100 of our own Celebrated Schiedam Schnapp an article which guarantee superier and more pure than any other now offered. LYONN 19 Cedar St. W. WELLS. GENERAL COMMISSION, PRODUCE AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No.

82, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. WILL give strict personal attention to the sale of Wheat, Corn, In this market. Dispatch will be given to con lenments o1 grain for Shipment to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New York, at the lowest rates of freights. KEFERENCE: HI. PRENCH SON.

Nashville. aug 14-8m D. D. DICKEY, Wheat, Wheat. THE Undersigned having orders for WHEAT, will pay the highest market rate deliverable wt McCrea Ter rass's warehouse, corner Broad and Collage streets.

Ic. WEBB, July 17-tr Cotton Produc- Broker. Wheat, Wheat. WE which be we will constantly pay the in the highest Market Market for Wheat, for prices July 9 of FISHER, CASSETTY CALLAGHAN, WHOLESALE RETAIL MANUFACTURERS OF SADDLERY AND HARNESB. No.

20, MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE. HEP Bridles, constantly Martingales on hand Collars, Saddles, and Harness, in short every thing in theh line of trade and will sell unusually low for the cash. Please give us a call before purchasing. N. Repairing and Job done to the shortest nonce.

MaY 21 HO! LINGSWORTH CO WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Agents the Southern Iron No. and Nail Mark.t Factory, for wish to call the attention of merchants who deal in Iron and tails to wand methe ture of the Pouthern Iron Works treated whose at Paducah, locality enables them to select the best Tennessee Nails metal, thiev use 40 other for the manufacture of Iron and They have all the best and most recent improve menta In their machinery, which enables them to manufacture an article unsurpassed in quality, for a much Lesa price than can be afforded by mills without such modern improvem nts We at all times will have a full and most complete stock of all sizes of Har, Round, Boiler ther an' Sheet Iron; tog. with all the various sizes of Nails, which we are nffeting to the trade at prices. All Iron is warranted to be equal to the manufactures of any other Tennessee mills, and to be superior to the Any other State, Call and examine our articles and of HOLLINGSWORTH 00.

prices. July 8. No. 6, Market Strect. Nashville Lumber Yard.

J. C. DARDEN, DEALER IN HAVE LUMBER. on hand SHINGLES AND Fellow ROADS. Cedar, WHite Pine Flooring, Clear White Pine, Poplar Plunk, Joist.

Scantling, Square Cedar. Cedar Plank 0 Poplar shingles. Chave Dye Mille cutting Poplar and Cedar, one tressing Poplar, and one Vellow Pine Flooring One: single Mar fitne, making No. Poplar Shineles At -onstant operation, can supply any quantity of or shingles at the sh rtest notice and at lowest prices Lumber for the cash. Leave your orders for prompt attention with DARDEN, Mareb 97.

Nashville Lumber Yard, No. Breadwa.

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Our Story. We're the new Nashville Banner. We're a deliberately different newsroom: Nonprofit, non-partisan, and frankly, not interested in clickbait. Our promise to you is to break news but never rush the story.

What is the racial makeup of Nashville, Tennessee? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN are White (Non-Hispanic) (70.5%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (14.8%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.42%), White (Hispanic) (2.98%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.93%).

Who edited the Nashville Banner? ›

Steve Cavendish is the president and editor. A 30-year veteran of newspapers including the Chicago Tribune and The Washington Post, Steve returned to Nashville in 2011 and edited The City Paper, Washington City Paper and the Nashville Scene.

When did the Nashville Banner close? ›

The Nashville Banner was a daily run newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee. It served as an afternoon update in local and global news, running in publication from April 10, 1876 to February 20, 1998.

Where do most whites live in Nashville? ›

Anecdotally, we all know the racial divides of Nashville: North Nashville is black, while the southern part of the county is overwhelmingly white. The southeastern part is Latino and a mix of other ethnic groups.

Where is the most black population in Tennessee? ›

Since 1860, Shelby County (where Memphis is located) has had the largest population of African Americans.

What is a good salary in Nashville? ›

The median salary in Nashville, TN is $56,550, with 80% of salaries falling between $30,763 and $130,500. Salaries in Nashville, TN are generally below the national average.

What is the Nashville Next concept? ›

NashvilleNext reflects the community's goals and vision – opportunity for all, accessibility, economic prosperity, strong neighborhoods, improving education and championing the environment.

What is the name of Blake Shelton's new bar in Nashville? ›

Ole Red - Blake Shelton Downtown Bar.

What is the new country artist bar in Nashville? ›

The country star's This Bar and Tennessee Kitchen will open in 2024 on Nashville's Lower Broadway.

What is the new show Nashville Meets Empire? ›

Starring Trace Adkins, Anna Friel and Susan Sarandon, the new Fox musical series brings “Empire”-style dynastic drama to the world of country music.


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.