Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (2024)

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Are you ready for a completely new flavor experience? The vegan Beet Soup recipe with Cardamom and Ginger will take your taste buds on a wild ride. This soup is sure to become one of your favorite go-to recipes, especially in winter months.

It's packed with vitamins and minerals from the beets, plus flavors from cardamom and ginger that make it truly unique. Plus, it's incredibly easy to prepare!

In just one pot, you can have a nutritious meal that everyone at the table will enjoy - even picky eaters! So let’s get started: grab your ingredients and prepare for an unforgettable flavor journey!

Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (1)

When you like vegetarian beet borscht with the earthy flavor, then you should try this flavorful beet soup.

This recipe was inspired by my red cabbage soup. It pairs well with my roasted chickpeas, or crusty bread.

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As mentioned above, you really do not need many ingredients.

And maybe you even have most in your stock, like the spices, coconut milk, vegetable broth and ginger?! Then you have to buy even less.

You can find the ingredients with quantities and the recipe to print out on the recipe card below.

  • Pre-cooked beetroot, or raw beets (takes just a little longer)
  • Potatoes, yellow
  • Ginger, fresh
  • Cumin, ground
  • Cardamom, ground
  • Vegetable stock
  • Coconut milk
  • Sea salt and black pepper

Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (2)


Dice the beetroot, potatoes and ginger. And put all ingredients except the coconut milk in a sufficiently large pot.

Now let everything cook for about 15 minutes on medium heat, until the potatoes are soft. Poke a knife into the potato and if you do not feel resistance, the potato is cooked through.

Now you can purée the soup in your high speed blender, or you can use an immersion blender. Stir in coconut milk and season with sea salt and black pepper.

Hint: Sometimes I cook beets in batch to have them on hand quickly, and the meals are prepared even quicker. I cook them with the peel and peel them later, just scrape with knife over the peel and it will come off super easy.

Make this vegan beet soup, check out some of my other favorite soup recipes like and red cabbage beet soup, sauerkraut soup, green bean soup and more of my vegan soup recipes.

Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (3)


Let us find out what you could substitute to make this amazing vegan beetroot soup. And if you had a vegetarian borscht recipe before, you will like my version of this healthy soup.

  • Beets: I made this recipe with precooked beets, it was a lot quicker than cooking the beets. Beets cook pretty long. You can always use raw beets and cook them with the potatoes, just let it cook for like 30 min until soft. You can also make this recipe with golden beets. Love the color of the golden beets.
  • Yellow Potatoes: I love my yellow potatoes, they have great buttery potatoey flavor. You got russet potatoes? Of course, you can use them as well.
  • Coconut Milk: For this creamy beet soup, I used coconut milk. Sometimes I make my own Sunflower cream, or cashew cream to use instead of coconut milk.


You can always add your own spin to the recipes. I see recipes more like a guideline.

  • Fresh Herbs: Add some herbs like fresh dill to this creamy vegan beet soup and you will see the flavor is amazing.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: You are missing some sweet sour flavor, add some of the vinegar. And enjoy this hot soup.
  • Vegan Sour Cream: Use a spoonful of your favorite sour cream as decorations.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Shred some Brussels and decorate your bowl of soup.
  • Beet greens: Chop the greens of the beets and add them to the soup, you can always make a beet salad with them.
Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (4)


To make this vegan soup, you will need a regular blender, like an immersion blender or high speed blender. Also, you will need a large soup pot, I like to use a 4 quart pot (brand I use and love), it's big enough. You will also need a cutting board and a good chef knife (brand I use and love).


You got leftovers? Maybe you even cooked it in a bigger batch? I do that a lot. You can easily store the best beet soup in an airtight container (my favorite for soup) in the fridge for up to 7 days.

Furthermore, you can also freeze the soup in portion size. Let it thaw overnight in die fridge and warm it up on the stove top or microwave.

Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (5)


Add the coconut milk or cashew cream after blending the soup. This will help to make it creamy, and sometimes the coconut milk curdles up when boiling.


Does the beetroot soup taste strong like earth?

With the addition of potatoes and coconut milk, the earthy taste is not quite as strong.
It is easy to taste the earthy taste of beetroot afterward. If you do not like the strong taste, then this soup is something for you.

Is the beetroot soup healthy?

When I look at the ingredients, I say yes you get some nice health benefits.
The beetroot supplies vitamins A, B, C, and folic acid. And it lowers the risk of developing heart disease, lowers blood pressure and protects against cancer
The ginger is rich in vitamin C and also contains magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.
Ginger is supposed to have an antibacterial effect and ensures a healthy intestinal flora. Ginger prevents the proliferation of bacteria.

If I want to make beets, how do I mask the earthy beetroot flavor?

Beet tastes earthy and slightly bitter. Red beets always taste better with sweeter, fresh aromas. I find, for example Thistomato saucewas delicious, I put some beetroot into it.
Raw salad with apples, nuts
Pickled beetroot loses the earthy taste (probably the reason why I love my grandma’s recipe) Russian borscht soup completes the taste of beetroot. Beetroot hummus is a great recipe as well.

📖 Recipe

Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (6)

Vegan Beet Soup

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

This vegan beetroot soup is easy to make, hearty, healthy, and perfect for a winter meal.


  • 18 oz (500g) pre-cooked beetroot or 2.5 cups diced beetroot
  • 14 oz (400g) potatoes, golden or 1 ¾ cups diced potatoes
  • 1 piece of ginger (size of your thumb)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin, ground
  • ¼ teaspoon cardamom, ground
  • 1 l vegetable broth
  • 100 ml of coconut milk
  • Sea Salt and pepper to taste


Dice the beetroot, potatoes and ginger. And put all ingredients except the coconut milk in a sufficiently large pot. Now let everything cook for about 15 minutes, until the potatoes are soft. Poke a knife into the potato and if you do not feel resistance, the potato is cooked through.

Now you can purée the soup in your high speed blender, or you can use an immersion blender. Stir in coconut milk and season with sea salt and pepper.


More Tips and Substitution Ideas in the Post above!

Nutrition Information

Yield 4Serving Size 1
Amount Per ServingCalories 280Total Fat 6gSaturated Fat 5gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 1gCholesterol 0mgSodium 1045mgCarbohydrates 52gNet Carbohydrates 0gFiber 8gSugar 29gSugar Alcohols 0gProtein 9g

The nutrition is calculated automatically and should be used as an estimate.

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Vegan Beet Soup Recipe with Cardamom and Ginger (wfpb) (2024)


What's the difference between beet soup and borscht? ›

The Polish word barszcz means borscht, but this soup is slightly different. Whereas traditional borscht is an opaque purple and commonly includes meat, tomatoes, and cabbage, barszcz is more of a basic beet broth that is somewhat translucent, whether red or white in color.

What is the famous Russia soup made from beetroot? ›

A Slavic staple, Borscht soup is quintessentially Russian to the extent of being equally popular as any other Russian classic like caviar or vodka. The borscht soup recipe is primarily a beetroot soup recipe that also contains various other vegetables while being heavily flavoured with herbs like thyme and bay leaves.

Is beet soup good for high blood pressure? ›

Beets are loaded with nutrients such as Folate, Manganese, and Copper. They have also been found to help lower blood pressure, while being very low in calories. This soup is a great vehicle to adding more beets into your life!

Is red beets soup good for you? ›

Plenty of nutritional benefits

If you're looking for something that's low in calories but high in nutrients, look no further than the humble beet. Adding beets into your salads, soups and other daily meals can be a good way to enhance a balanced diet.

Should I peel beets for soup? ›

Sometimes beets are peeled before cooking. They may also be scrubbed and cooked until tender with their skins on; the skins slip off fairly easily after cooling. (Some people are happy to leave the skins on; they are fine to eat.) You can also pickle cooked beets.

Is borscht soup Russian or Ukrainian? ›

Meanwhile, Russian-language Wikipedia says: “Borsch is a type of beet-based soup, giving it a characteristic red colour. A traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs, it is a common first course in Ukrainian cuisine.”

Why is my borscht not red? ›

Cooking Time and Temperature: Beets can lose their vibrant red color if they are overcooked or cooked at high temperatures for too long. If you cooked the beets for an extended period or at a high temperature, it could cause them to lose some of their color intensity, resulting in a more orange appearance.

Which country has the best borscht? ›

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

With time, it evolved into a diverse array of tart soups, among which the Ukrainian beet-based red borscht has become the most popular.

How long will borscht keep in the fridge? ›

Cooled borscht can be covered and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To freeze, pack into containers leaving 1-inch (2.5 cm) headspace. For the best results and to save energy, let frozen soup thaw in the refrigerator compartment on the day you plan to use it.

What are the symptoms of beetroot poisoning? ›

The primary symptom of beeturia is discolored urine or stools. Urine appears red or pink after eating beetroot or foods and juices containing extracts or pigments of beetroot. The extent of discoloration varies from person to person and depends on what you ingested.

Does beetroot burn belly fat? ›

There is no evidence to suggest that beetroot can directly burn belly fat. Beetroot is healthy and nutritious. But no single food can cause fat loss in a specific body area. Following a balanced, calorie-controlled diet and engaging in regular physical activity are essential.

How soon after eating beets is urine red? ›

Here's how the test works, according to Gonzalez: "Eat at least half of a raw or cooked beet (do not use fermented pickled red beets) with your meal. If you notice red urine or stool 12 to 24 hours later, your transit time is normal. If it happens in less than 12 hours, your body may not be absorbing nutrients.

Do red beets detox the liver? ›

Beetroot juice: Beetroot juice is a great way to detox your liver and improve its function. They are high in antioxidants and help to cleanse the blood. They also promote healthy liver function by helping to break down toxins. Try adding some beet juice to your diet for better liver health.

Is beet soup and borscht the same thing? ›

Put simply, barszcz is a Polish name for a beetroot soup that is a shared staple in the whole of the Eastern Europe and the word borscht is an anglicised version of the Yiddish word for it. There are many many versions of this bright pink soup as it's eaten throughout the year.

What color beets are the healthiest? ›

Red beets are particularly noted for their high levels of betalains, which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Golden beets, while lower in betalains, still offer a variety of antioxidants, making both types a healthy choice.

Why do Americans say borscht? ›

The English spelling borscht comes from Yiddish באָרשט (borsht), as the dish was first popularized in North America by Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe.

How healthy is beet borscht? ›

The anthocyanins and betalains in beets are responsible for their scarlet hue, and are also immune-supporting antioxidants. Interestingly, beets contain natural nitrates, which can help increase blood flow to muscles for athletes and also help with lowering blood pressure.

What does beet soup taste like? ›

Borscht is a beet soup that's warm, sweet, and sour all in one bowl. It has the umami and complexity of a well-developed chicken soup but the beets add a whole different flavor profile.


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